Monday, June 10, 2013

Dream Job Longshot – 1rst Weekend Recap

Being something of a bibliophile, as I expect all librarians at heart are, instead of immediately finding and installing Drupal like a promised myself I would do. I instead went out and starting reading a book about it. There are many Drupal books out there, however the one that I ended up using was The Definitive Guide to Drupal 7. If I was going to invest the time into  learning this I wanted to make sure it would actually help me achieve my goal. The best way to start that is by learning exactly what Drupal is, and if this would help me with my target goals.
Drupal is a content management system. Drupal is written in PHP and Javascript (using Jquery). Drupal uses databases on the web servers (either, MariaDB, MySQL, or PostgreSQL). The point of using Drupal instead of developing these things yourself from the ground up is because Drupal is an open source system. It saves the web developer (me in this case) from having to figure out the programming from the ground up. It could also accelerate my learning curve. By using Drupal I can figure out which pieces I need and why, and then go look at their core programming to learn exactly how the PHP I desired works, instead of having to figure this out the hard way.
Unlike other content management systems such as Wordpress, which is very focused on blogs, Drupal is designed to be highly diverse, extensible, and scalable. It is literally designed to be able to handle all types of websites from e-merchants to (and this surprised me) the White House website.
Drupal is an application framework. This means that it is designed to be a platform for developing serious web applications. It is meant to handle multiple APIs well. Since it is an application framework it can be used as the basis for a variety of apps, from smartphone to Facebook. It can also be found in non-CMS roles such as the front end of Java-based apps or as the back end for AJAX or Flash. An example of this that I found personally interesting was OpenScholar – a Drupal based website creation and hosting program that was designed to allow Academic Institutions to host an unlimited number of Academic websites. It allows professors and students to create those websites with no knowledge of programming or HTML. This includes being able to manage their own dynamic content, publications, events, blogs, classes, themes, and even online collaborations.
Drupal supports RDF. I first came across RDF when it was mentioned as an aside in my cataloging course, and then more thoroughly in my metadata course. RDF is a very simple ‘triple’ framework, where ‘thing A/has property/value” so one common triple would be “ebook 1/has author/john smith”. RDF is a core component of the semantic web, the idea that becomes embodied with interactive API frameworks such as Drupal which can use these assigned properties to pull and interact with the data as the various API interfaces, or programs talk to each other; speaking in either SOAP or REST, the ‘languages’ that I discovered on Friday.

The final straw that convinced me that Drupal is the key that I want to use to try and unlock my dream job was the fact that one of the modules of Drupal (a Drupal module is a bit of extensible code that has already been made and released to the open source community that can add extra features or depth to your website) is an Apache Solr search function module. Solr familiarity and working knowledge was mentioned as a desirable quality on my dream job listing; and though I don’t know much about it yet – this is the first real lead I have had! My plans for tomorrow include: continue reading up on Drupal, try to design a wireframe for my demo site, and try to start determining which modules and content I wish use in my design.

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